Actuarial consulting
Actuarial Projects
Insurance companies and companies that bear insurance risk are confronted with actuarial challenges for which we offer robust and sustainable solutions.
- Calculating the life reserves, claims reserves and fluctuation reserves
- Calculating the solvency requirements according to Solvency I, Swiss Solvency Test and Solvency II
- Conducting economic assessments of future risks and profitability as well as embedded value calculations
- Optimisation of the reinsurance coverage
- Providing a second opinions on actuarial calculations
Comprehensive Risk Management
Solvency II is a complete new set of rules for insurance companies in the EU / EEA area. We know the rules in detail and are able to apply them efficiently to your company.
- Calculation and optimisation of the solvency capital requirement
- Valuation of options and guarantees
- Implementation of a Solvency II compatible risk management system
- Implementation of the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment
- Outsourcing of official functions: Internal audit, actuarial function, risk management function
- Implementation of reporting procedures
- Asset and look-through reporting of Solvency II
- XBRL reporting tool for pillar III of Solvency II
- Implementation of PRIIPs regulation
Appointed Actuary
The changing regulatory and risk environment of insurance companies requires constant monitoring. As the appointed actuary we can help you navigate your actuarial challenges.
- Quarterly and annual reporting to management and the supervisory authority
- Interacting with the regulatory authority
- Preparing the appointed actuary report
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.